
Welcome To The Mystic Tye

WBr Troy Spreeuw
March 29, 2024
2 mins

Welcome To The Mystic Tye!

I have finally begun regular production of my long-anticipated project! I sincerely hope that you enjoy the results.

Now I need your help.

Part of what I have envisioned for The Mystic Tye is a single space for Freemasons and our allies to engage each other with interviews, event and conference listings, and publications. If you know of a conference or an event, a new book, or an author/speaker/organizer who should be interviewed, please reach out to me directly at

In the meantime, enjoy the second episode where I interview Br. Wes Regan, a close friend and future recurring guest. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!

Please make a point of finding The Mystic Tye on your podcast directory of choice and subscribing so you can get notifications when new episodes drop. Also consider leaving us a review, sharing our content on your preferred social media, and passing along a good word to your friends who might be interested. Patreon details will be posted soon. Your support is deeply appreciated.

WBr. Troy Spreeuw

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